Easy Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe – Gluten-Free Palate (2024)


Wendy Stoltz

/ Last Modified On September 11, 2023

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If you're searching for a treat that combines the irresistible flavors of apples with gluten-free goodness, look no further than our amazing Gluten-Free Apple Muffins! These muffins are packed with delicious taste and will win over everyone in your household.

Easy Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe – Gluten-Free Palate (1)

Once you have tried the best gluten-free muffins, you must try these gluten-free apple crisp and gluten-free apple turnovers. The apple crisp is a deliciously comforting dessert, while the apple turnovers offer a delightful handheld treat.

You'lllove our paleo apple cake and gluten-free blueberry muffins as well. These apple recipes will add variety to your collection of gluten-free apple treats!

Table of Contents

Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe

This one-bowl Gluten-Free Apple Muffin recipe is a new favorite in our house, and once you try it, it will be a favorite in yours! Combining apples, vanilla, and spices will remind you of an apple pie. These gluten-free apple muffins are tender, fluffy, and have perfect texture.

I'll tell you a little secret. Although these are "muffins," you could easily top them with a dollop of cream cheese frosting and make them into cupcakes. The texture of these gluten-free muffins is lighter like a cupcake - no one will know the difference. You'll see what I mean when you whip up this gluten-free apple muffin recipe.

One of the many things I love about these gluten-free apple cinnamon muffins is that they are loaded with apples, giving them a healthy boost. You can serve these gluten-free apple muffins for breakfast or as a healthy afternoon snack.

Why You’re Going to Love These Gluten-Free Apple Muffins

Deliciously Flavored - These muffins combine the irresistible apple flavor, vanilla, and spices reminiscent of apple pie.

Versatile Treat - While they are called "muffins," their texture is light and can easily pass as cupcakes when topped with cream cheese frosting.

Healthy and Filling - Loaded with fresh apples, these muffins provide a healthy boost and make for a satisfying breakfast or snack. These are also dairy-free muffins.

Easy and Freezer-Friendly - With simple one-bowl preparation, you can double or triple the batch and freeze the extras for quick and convenient future enjoyment.

Easy Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe – Gluten-Free Palate (2)

Ingredients in Gluten-Free Apple Muffins

Egg - Adds structure and moisture to the muffins.

Sugar - Provides sweetness and helps with browning and texture. You can use coconut sugar. I have not tried it with brown sugar.

Oil of choice - Adds moisture and tenderness to the muffins. You can use coconut oil too, but it tastes like coconut.

Applesauce - Enhances moisture, sweetness, and apple flavor in the muffins. Some recipes use melted butter, but I prefer applesauce.

All-purpose gluten-free flour blend - Serves as a substitute for traditional wheat flour mixture, ensuring the muffins are gluten-free.

Gluten-free baking powder - Helps the muffins rise and provides lightness.

Baking soda - Acts as a leavening agent to help the muffins rise.

Cinnamon - Adds warm and aromatic flavor to complement the apples.

Ground nutmeg - Enhances the overall flavor profile with a slightly nutty and earthy taste.

Ground cloves - Provides a hint of spiciness and depth of flavor.

Fresh Apple - Apple adds natural sweetness, moisture, and texture to the muffins. We don't use chopped apples rather shred them.

Equipment Needed for This Gluten-Free Apple Muffins

Large Mixing Bowl - A spacious mixing bowl will provide enough room to combine all the ingredients easily.

Whisk - Use a whisk to thoroughly blend the wet ingredients together for a smooth muffin batter.

Grater - A grater will be needed to grate the apple for added texture in the muffins.

Cupcake Pan and Paper Liners - Prepare a cupcake pan with paper liners to hold the muffin batter. You can use reusable liners or paper liners.

Cooling Rack - Allow the muffins to cool completely on a cooling rack before serving or storing.

If you have any questions about making Gluten-Free Apple Muffins, please comment, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Easy Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe – Gluten-Free Palate (3)

How to Make Gluten-Free Apple Muffins

  1. Whisk egg, sugar, oil, and applesauce in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Add in the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves until combined.
  3. Stir until combined.
  4. Fold in shredded apple.
  5. Scoop batter (about ¼ cup) into your paper liners. Bake for 22-27 minutes or until the center is set.
  6. Remove from the oven and cool completely before serving.

These numbered steps match the numbered photos above and are only for illustration. Please see the printable recipe card below.

Easy Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe – Gluten-Free Palate (4)

Tips for Making the Best Gluten-Free Apple Muffins

Choose the Right Gluten-Free Flour Blend - Opt for a high-quality gluten-free flour blend.

Measure Gluten-Free Flour Accurately - Spoon the gluten-free flour into the measuring cup and level it off, rather than scooping directly from the bag, to ensure proper measurement and avoid dense muffins.

Grate the Apple Just Before Mixing - Grate the apple just before incorporating it into the batter to prevent browning and preserve its fresh flavor.

Fold in the Grated Apple Gently - Fold in the grated apple using a spatula or spoon to distribute it evenly throughout the batter without overmixing.

Do Not Overbake - Keep a close eye on the muffins and remove them from the oven as soon as the center is set to avoid dryness. A toothpick inserted into the center should have a few moist crumbs.

Allow Muffins to Cool Completely - Let the muffins cool completely on a cooling rack before enjoying or storing them to allow the flavors to develop fully and prevent them from becoming soggy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Store Gluten-Free Apple Muffins?

Once the muffins have completely cooled, store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 4 days. For longer storage, you can keep the muffins in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Make sure to place them in an airtight container or sealable bag.

Can I Freeze Gluten-Free Apple Muffins?

If you prefer to keep them for an extended period, you can freeze the muffins. Wrap each muffin individually in plastic wrap or place them in airtight freezer bags. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months.

Can You Make This Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Ahead of Time?

Absolutely! These muffins can be made ahead of time for convenience. Prepare the batter and bake the muffins as directed in this amazing recipe. Once cooled, store them following the storage instructions mentioned above. This way, you can have freshly baked gluten-free apple muffins ready to enjoy whenever you desire.

What Substitutions / Replacements Can I Make in These Gluten-Free Apple Muffins?

Applesauce - If you don't have applesauce, you can substitute it with an equal amount of plain or dairy-free yogurt for a slightly different flavor profile.

Additional Mix-ins - Feel free to customize your muffins by adding ½ cup of finely shredded carrots or other desired mix-ins like nuts, dried fruits, or chocolate chips. You could even try a crumb topping. These additions can enhance the texture and flavor of these healthy apple muffins.

Working with Gluten-Free Flours

Spoon the flour into the measuring cup and level when using gluten-free flour. Do not scoop your measuring cup into the gluten-free flour.

The best method really is to weigh the gluten-free flour, but I don't have the ingredient weights for these gluten-free apple muffins yet.

What can I use instead of applesauce?

If you don't have applesauce, you can use yogurt or dairy-free yogurt in this recipe as a one-to-one instead of apple sauce.

These muffins come together in a pinch, only use one bowl, and feed a crowd. Double or triple the batch and freeze the extras for a quick breakfast.

What Kind Of Apples Are Best For Muffins?

When choosing apples for muffins, selecting firm varieties and holding their shape during baking is best. Here are some apple varieties that work well for muffins:

  • Granny Smith - These tart apples provide a nice contrast to the sweetness of the muffins and maintain their texture when baked.
  • Honeycrisp - Known for their crispness and balanced sweet-tart flavor, Honeycrisp apples add a pleasant crunch to muffins.
  • Gala - Gala apples are mildly sweet with a crisp texture, making them a popular muffin choice.
  • Golden Delicious - These apples have a sweet, mellow flavor and hold up well in baking, adding moisture to the muffins.
  • Fuji - Fuji apples are sweet and juicy, adding a natural sweetness to the muffins while retaining their shape.

How Many Calories Are In A Gluten-Free Apple Cinnamon Muffin?

This recipe has 158 calories per muffin, provided you use the same ingredients I have used.

How Do You Make Gluten-Free Muffins Less Dense?

To make gluten-free muffins less dense, you can follow these tips:

Don't Overmix the Batter - When combining the wet and dry ingredients, be careful not to overmix the batter. Overmixing can lead to the activation of gluten-free flours, resulting in a dense texture. Mix the ingredients until they are just combined and any lumps are gone.

Avoid Overbaking - Overbaking can result in dry and dense muffins. Check the muffins for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center. The muffins are done if it comes out with a few moist crumbs attached. Remove them from the oven promptly to avoid overbaking.

If you like these muffins, you might also like my Paleo Carrot Muffins or my Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Muffins.

Yield: 12 muffins

Easy Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe – Gluten-Free Palate (5)

If you're searching for a treat that combines the flavors of apples with gluten-free goodness, look no further than our amazing Gluten-Free Apple Muffins!

Prep Time15 minutes

Cook Time27 minutes

Additional Time10 minutes

Total Time52 minutes



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a cupcake pan with 10 - 12 paper liners; set aside.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk egg, sugar, oil, applesauce until combined.
  3. Add in the flour, baking powder, and baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves and continue to whisk until combined.
  4. Fold in shredded apple.
  5. Scoop batter (about ¼ cup) into your paper liners.
  6. Bake for 22-27 minutes or until the center is set.
  7. Remove from the oven and cool completely before serving.
  8. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.


  1. Flour blend: You can use my gluten-free flour blend, Bob's Red Mill 1-to-1 Gluten-Free Baking Flour, or Ryze flour in this gluten-free apple muffin recipe.
  2. When working with or measuring gluten-free flour, spoon the flour into the measuring cup and level. Do not scoop your measuring cup into the gluten-free flour.
  3. If you don't have applesauce you can use yogurt in place of the applesauce.
  4. Add in ½ cup finley shredded carrots, if desired for extra texture and flavor.

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 muffin

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 158Total Fat: 7gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 6gCholesterol: 16mgSodium: 59mgCarbohydrates: 23gFiber: 1gSugar: 14gProtein: 2g

This nutrition info is based on the exact ingredients and brands used at the time. It may not be 100% accurate. Please check your ingredients nutrition labels.

Easy Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe – Gluten-Free Palate (13)

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Easy Gluten-Free Apple Muffins Recipe – Gluten-Free Palate (2024)
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