Summoner Class Guide (V1.1.1) (2024)

Summoner Class Guide Summoner Class Guide (V1.1.1) (1)
By : Warren Mark

Pre-Hardmode Preview

Pre-Hardmode does only have 3 weapons acquirable and an armor set. It will be a hard time for this class to move on in hardmode. The are the items that you need to survive your first night till Hardmode comes. Here is the list of items :

Hornet Staff (Jungle,Hive,Queen Bee)
Slime Staff (Slimes,Slime King[1 in 10000])
Imp Staff (Hellstone,Underworld)
Bee Armor (Jungle,Hive,Queen Bee)

Thread Updates Summoner Class Guide (V1.1.1) (2)

1.0.0 Thread, "Let the Adventure Begin ! Thread Introduction" ->

- Introduced Summoner Class Guide Thread.
- Pre-hardmode Preview Added.
- Surviving the First Night Made.

1.0.1 Thread - Added Slime Statue Farm and improved Pre-Hardmode Preview,added
Future additions for spoilers.

1.0.2 Thread,"Merchant Update" -> - Spoiler Buttons Added.
- Improved Slime Statue Guide
- Added Merchant Page.

1.0.3 Thread, "Exploration Update" -> - Exploring the Caverns added.
- Removed Spoiler Buttons.
- Minor Spelling fixes.

1.1 Thread, "The Beesy Update" -> - Added "Exploring the Jungle".
- Added of Imp Staff Guide .
- Added "Killing the Queen Bee.
- Made an early beta templates of "Fishing" and "Making Potions".
- Added miscallenous things to many section.

1.1.1 Thread, "The Fixing Udpate" -> - Removed Semi Summoner Items (Bee Gun,Crimson Rod).
- Cleaned and Improve the Thread Update Section.
- Topics are now called section.
- Every title are now bold and capitalized.

1.1.2 Thread,"Potion Update" -> - Fixes Human Errors.
- Added "Making Potions-Summoner Potions"

- Made important words Bold.
- Added title at very beggining.
- Added Emojis.

Surviving Your First Night Summoner Class Guide (V1.1.1) (3)

As a Summoner,you are not allowed to use any weapon than just blocking yourself away from monsters.First you need to explore the surface around your world. I recommend to open every chest and loot all even non summoner items. Avoid going to the places where mobs often spawn like the Jungle and Corruption/Crimson Biome especially if you're in hardcore. Also mine every ore you will see because it will be used soon. I assumed you haved gotten a Recall Potion so drink it and make a base some blocks away from your house. Build at least 3 rooms for the Guide,NPC,and the Nurse. They will be helpful once they spawn.

If you had 50 silver or more and it's still daytime,wait for the Merchant Summoner Class Guide (V1.1.1) (4) to spawn. But If it's night time in your case bring out the chest you've collected and put one (2 or more if you are customizing them or you have larger space) and put your unimportant items (such as weapons of other class). If you had spawned the Merchant or even the Nurse Summoner Class Guide (V1.1.1) (5) sell the items and once you got a 1 Gold Coin, buy a Piggy Bank and store all your coins on it so you won't loose them. Craft a Work Bench,then a Furnace . If you don't have enough materials try to sneak outside and get things such as wood,stone and at the ground.

Smelt ores and craft anything you can craft,focus on crafting equipments like pickaxe and axe to fasten your journey, as well as armors if you have some extra ores. Don't mind the set bonuses of mixed armour because your target armor is the Bee armor. Wait for the day to come to start journey again.

Slime Staff GuideOnce it is safe to go outside,your target is to get the Slime Staff,it has 1 in 7,000 to 10,000 droprate from Blue Slimes and go further down in colored slimes. There are 2 different options in making a Slime Staff Farm.

The first option is to find a Slime Statue if you haven't already,it looks like a stone trophy with a Slime Sculpture in it. Take risk on going caverns espiecially in Jungle for bigger chance of finding it. When you found it find a dart trap and remove it,place the statue on where did dart trap is originally placed. Find the pressure plate and build a room above it just fitting to your body and try to jump inside. When you saw a Slime popped up its working. Build a 8 blocks long and 3 blocks wide box in the left or right side of the slime statue and craft a bucket, go to the deep cavern until you find a lava pit.

Get some lava and go back to the Slime Statue Farm and put the lava beside the statue in the box. Make sure the lava is thin unable to burn items.To make it work,just jump in the pressureplate and keep on jumping until many slimes pop out and ide until they drop the Slime
Staff.Spawn a baby slime. It will attack enemies. It deals 10 damage depends on the modifier you have (e.g Broken,Mythical etc.). Soon you can spawn more than 1 with the right equipment.

Positive Effects :

  • Better and more sufficient farm rather than the second option in my opinion since there is a guaranteed slimes spawning.

Negative Effects :

  • Slime Statues are relatively hard to find,but lucky if got them earlier.
  • If you're using the PC Version,spamming the space button hurts so much and may destroy the button.

The second option is make a room wide at your choice as long as you can go in and a open roof and walls enpugh for slimes to hop inside. Like the first option,craft a bucket and get lava in the lava pit, place it into the box thin enough so it can't burn items. Build a platform above the open roof of the box and stay there and afk during the day. For more chances of spawning slimes go to the dungeon and steal a water candle , go back to the the farm and place it beside you. It is an AFK farm. It is required to do this in the day for less uneeded enemies to spawn.

Positive Effects:
Easy to do,no need to find a Slime Statue to start. Also good for farrming other mobs.

Negative Effects :
When night,the slime spawn rate is decreased for the spawn chance. However, this method is well to for farming other stuffs.

The Imp Staff Guide

Some people farming the Slime Staff with lava damage is illegal,the second option you can get first is the Imp Staff. The Imp Staff is widely the strongest summoner weapon in Pre-Hardmode. Since the hellstonw which is a major requirement for the staff only mined with 65% Pick-axe or better,the only way to do this is to have a Merchant in your town (See the Merchant button for further details),buy a Bug Net, have a fishing Rod by making a Wooden,Fiberglass or the Sitting Duck Fishing Pole are the options.

The second step is to catch bait with the net by destroying grass or finding worms while raining. Next stop is the Ocean found in the both sides of the world. Trap yourself above in the middle of fhe oceans and platforms as the floor, and fish until you get the Reaver Shark,Pickaxe suitable for mining 1st tier of Hardmode Ores.Also get dozens of Water Buckets.When you're done go to the Underworld(Hell) and mine many Hellstone as you can and steal a Hellforge. If you don't know how to go to the Underworld, there are two early options :

- Go to deep caves until you reach the Underworld (Jungle is the most efficient option).
- Make and Hellevator and when you reach a lava point ,find a cave sytem that connects until Underworld.

(Keep in mind in both options that when you reached lava point, find the biggest lava pit possible and dispense water from buckets to mine Obsidian.)

Mine Hellstone when you reach Underworld. Keep in kind that Hellstone spans lava after spawning so put blocks beside the Hellstone before mining or drink an Obsidan Skin so you will be immuned to the lava . After you've mine Hellstone,use a Magic Mirror or a Recall Potion to teleport at your spawn point.Place your Hellforge and craft Hellstone Bars. If you had enough,make yourself the Imp Staff.

Merchant Summoner Class Guide (V1.1.1) (6)

When the Merchant spawned in your house,he helps you a lot in early game items. I believe that you've got bunch of gel. Store them or craft torches and lesser Healing Potions with certain items. Buys some better equipments like pickaxe and a Piggy Bank. Store your money there. Sell miscellaneous stuffs there at the Merchant to earn money. Storing your money in the piggy bank which is acessible with a Money Through that you may obtain in a Blood Moon,don't loose your money and helps a lot in Hardmode to buy the Tiki Armour once the Pygmy Staff is obtained since one piece of armor cost 50 Gold each and buying the Hercules Beetle.

If you had more money buy the Bug Net for catching baits for fishing which paves a large step to the game.

Exploring the Caverns

Explore your caves. Mine all ores for upgrades while you don't have the Bee Armor. Loot all chest and take some of them with you, Caverns can also contain Life Crystals. I recommend to ride on Minecarts in tracks since it usually takes you to a good place. Underground houses also help as they ,ay contain various accessories and potions you need later on. Mine ores especially Lead/Iron Ore that will come up with Ironskin Potions.

Break many pots to have a chance of getting a Coin Portal to spawn, it is really helpful since Summoner class is a expensive class.

Exploring the Jungle

The Jungle is a pain in early stages of Pre-Hardmode and worst in Hardmode, but crowd control solves. Your objectives are to find the Staff of Regrowth for Alchemy which will be helpful for crafting potions. Loot everything there. Here is a list of you need to find in Jungle Chest.
- Staff of Regrowth
- Hermes Boots
-Miscellaneous Items (E.g Umbrella)

Your second goal is to find or make a large pool for fishing. Many players hate it but it plays a very big role in Summoner Class. Put platforms above the pool so when enemies won't push you by knockback. After finishing,continue your journey by finding stacks of moonglow seeds,Jungle Grass Seeds and as well as mud for a farm. Next stop is to find a Bee Hive open the part wherein you wouldn't accidentally spawn her. Make two sets of platforms inside or outside of the hive as an arena. If you are making the arena inside,be careful of not touching nwhere the Queen Bee lies. Put a campfire for more life regeneration and if the arena is outside of the hive,take a honey with a bucket and put it in a 2 blocks wide and 1 block in height. When you are finished,next find a good amount of Life Crystals until you get at least 190 or 200 Health (190 if you don't want to fight the Eye of Chuluthu 200 if you want to raise the chance of fighting it) or even full health (400 Health).Next is to mine ores as many is possible to upgrade your Pickaxe. Make an advanced Beezoar farm as hardmode will make the situation in jungle worst. Use this in Pre-Hardmode as Stinger Farm (Bezoar in 1.2) tha is needed for an Ankh Shield. Go home and get ready for the Queen Bee fight which is essential for moving on hardmode.[/SPOILER]

Beta Template,please come back later.

Making Potions -Summoner potions Potions will play a big role for Summoners like every other class. Especially the Summoner Potion that will come handy on Queen Bee's fight. Here are potions that help through entire game.


Summoner Potion - Increase Minion Count. As you have difficulties having a minion alone,this helps with boss fights.

Ironskin Potion - This is very important for Summoners aside from Summoner Potions. As you have no Summoner Armor set yet, it adds 8 defense that may fill gap of Summoners lacking defense that will be used even in end-game stage.

Mana Regenration Potion - Summoner uses mana too. During Boss fights, this is helpful to less likely to have a problem summoning Minions at the enemy.

Lesser/Healing Potions - At regular situations,use lesser helaing potions as it restores 50 health and Healing Potions in boss fights.

Regeneration Potions - This will help regenarate life combined with campfires and Heart lanterns as you take big damge with the lack of defense.

Killing the Queen Bee

As you have acrossed the Jungle and made a arena near the hive, fight the Queen Bee. Skip this option if you have a Slime Staff and haven't acrossed the Fishing and Making Potions that are major topic to have a greater chance of winning against the Queen Bee. If you have Slime Staff and have Summoner Potion,it is possible. The Queen Bee can be your first boss in Pre-Hardmode as Eye of Chuluthu do not spawn naturally unless you have other armors equipped and more than 200 life with 3 NPCS.

As you've explored the jungle earlier (See Topic:Exploring the Jungle if you haven't),go find the nearest bee hive where you built your arena and drink your buffs (with the Summoner Potion) and destory the Queen Bee Hive.

Preparations :

- Have a Bezoar in accesory slot (If you had already). This will help you to be immuned by her sting.
- If you're outside of the hive,get honey with bucket and have an area that you will go on. This will apply Regenaration Buff.
- Have campfires spread in the arena (and maybe heart lanterns) to increase life regeneration.
- If you have the Slime Staff,make sure you have a Summoner Potion and other buffs.

Tips :

- Queen Bee has two attacks,flying horizontally and staying above you giving birth to bees.
- You can dodge Queen Bee's flying by jumping or using a grappling hook.
- You can dodge her bee and sting attacks by staying above her.
- When she's above you spawn your minions eight next to her.
- If you're not hazzle fighting,spend a second on honey to increase life regeneration.

Items you need to get :

- Bees Wax
- Bee Gun (Semi-Summoner Weapon)
- Honey Comb

Craft the Hornet Staff first as Queen Bee itself is not immuned to Poisoning (You may skip this if you have an Imp Staff). If you had more Bees Wax craft any of the armour and wear it for extra minion of more damage. Fight the Queen Bee again until you have gotten enough Bees Wax and craft the whole set of Bee Armour. This time you can spawn 2 additional minion

Surviving the Goblin Invasion
Exploring the Jungle
Exploring the Underworld
Early Pre-Hardmode Preparations

Summoner Class Guide (V1.1.1) (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.